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I created this blog to post my photography work for my A-level course.

Saturday 11 April 2015

Landscape Project Evaluation // Landscape

What was the project brief?

The brief of the landscape photography project was to be looking at different ways of taking landscape images, through ways such as cityscapes with an urban theme, rather than just thinking and taking landscape pictures of the countryside.

1. What was the project theme and what did you think of it?

The theme of the project was landscape photography, which at first I wasn't too sure about. This was because when I think of landscapes I think of summer, sun, leaves on trees; compared to winter, dreary weather, no leaves, and coldness. But over time I came to quite enjoy it as my dad and I would go out to the peak district and take pictures and that we were stopping at places in Switzerland so that I could take some pictures.

2. What part of the project did you enjoy the most/found most interesting (taking photograph? developing the film? etc.)

The part of the project that I enjoyed the most and found the most interesting was taking my landscape images whilst I was over in Switzerland, this is because there were mountains, lakes, and other geographical aspects there that you wouldn’t see over here in England.

3. What new techniques have you experienced?

I have learnt quite a few new techniques through completing this photography project. These being things such as thinking more of how my composition would look, this being through taking my pictures and thinking about what would be best where in the image. Also changing the levels in my images on Photoshop to make them come out slightly more realistically. I also learned how to create HDR images using my camera and Photoshop.

4. What technique would you like to develop further?

The technique that I would like to develop further is thinking more about the composition of my images. This is because composition is important for all aspects of photography and not just a specific type of photography. Composition is also a vital aspect of photography, as the composition of an image is one of the aspects that makes it a striking image that draws in the viewer’s attention.

5. Which photographers did you research through this project?

The photographers that I researched through this project was Mike Behnken, Ross Hoddinott, Nathan Hayag, Aditya Mawardi, Johan Peijnenburg, and Stefan Forster.

6. How have they influenced your photographs?

They have influenced my photographs for this project by using the concepts, ideas and parts of the images that I liked and wanted to use within my own work. I created my own HDR images like they had to try out a new landscape technique.

7. Which technique did you enjoy the most?

I enjoyed the HDR image technique the most, this is because I had to learn how my camera settings worked and implement them in doing this. I had to change to the Shutter Priority setting and change my F Stop to create three different images, then merge them together on Photoshop CC in college to create images that have a high dynamic range of luminosity.

8. What do you feel is the most successful part of your project and why? (sketchbook pages, final prints, cyan tones images? spray developed images, etc.)

I feel as if the most successful part of my project is the HDR picture that I took, this is because it captures all the textures, colours, and light and shade within the image to make it unique and an image that you would see with your eye.

9. Did you encounter any problems in your project?

I don’t think I really had any problems.

10. What would you do differently given the chance to complete the project again?

If I had the chance to complete the project again, I would have created more HDR images. I wish I had taken some images whilst I was away in Switzerland for HDR, as that would have given a view and perspective you wouldn’t be able to get in the UK.

11. What do you think about your final outcome and what are your feelings about the project?

Overall I am very happy with my final outcome, because I feel as if I have researched a varied range of photographers who use different landscape techniques. I have used this research of the photographers to construct my own images by using aspects of theirs. I have come to really enjoy this project as you got to really look into your surroundings, which I have never really done before as much as I have done during the project.

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