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I created this blog to post my photography work for my A-level course.

Monday 2 May 2016

Project Evaluation // Making Tracks

What was the project brief?

The brief of my project was the 'Making Tracks', which involved different types of transportation that people use in every day life.

1. What was the project theme and what did you think of it?

My project theme was 'Making Tracks', which I go to choose myself with the help of my family and tutors. I quite liked due to the fact that it wasn't really a type a photography that I would generally think about. Also the words making tracks can mean different things to different people, so it gave me a diverse range of things that I could look at for my project.

2. What part of the project did you enjoy the most / find the most interesting?

The part of the project that I enjoyed the most was that since it wasn't a type of photography that I'd usually do or even think about, I was putting myself out of my comfort zone. Through doing this I learnt new things, saw other people's perspectives on what they like in photography.

3. What new techniques have you experienced?

I learnt that with this type of photography that you have to be patient and be willing to wait around a lot of the time. Though you have to be set up and be ready to shoot when there's a train coming. I also learnt about having to sort the composition of my images out in a matter of seconds as I didn't have a subject that was willing to wait around for me to be ready to shoot.

4. What technique would you like to develop further?

I would like to develop my skills with composition with only having a few seconds at most to sort this out. This is because composition is a vital element of any photo, and getting it right is what makes a good photograph. Also there are many other types of photography that there are only seconds to sort out composition, such as live event / concert photography this is due to the artists moving around the stage constantly.

5. Which photographers did you research in this project?

The photographers that I researched in this project were Simon Coult, Glynn Farrar, Ian Egner, and Jim Pearson

6. How have they influenced your photographs?

They have influenced my photographs by using concepts, ideas, and techniques of theirs within my images to get the results I have and desired.

7. Which technique did you enjoy the most?

The technique that I enjoyed the most was creating light trails using the 'A' setting to let more light into my camera and not create an instant picture. I did this with car, trams, and trains with each of them creating a different effect to each other.

8. What do you feel is the most successful part of your project and why?

I feel the most successful part of my project is the images involving light trails, this is due to how they have turned out. As the light in each of the images is so striking it has made a very clear point of focus within the image, which is what I wanted to do.

9.Did you encounter any problems with your project?

The only problem I really encountered with the project is the weather, though it did help me at points, though rain pelting down isn't really a weather condition that I enjoy being out in.

10. What would you do differently given the chance to complete the project again?

If I had the opportunity to complete this project again I would get immersed in it from the get go, learning more techniques and going out for a few more shoots.

11. What do you think about your final outcome and what are your feelings about the project?

I quite like the final outcome of my project as I have some good results for a type of photography that I had never done before starting this project.

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